Sunday 20 October 2013



A dynamic and emotionally charged mindset, ready to conquer the world with your excellent people influencing abilities. You are a story teller capable of inducing feelings in others, usually with an actor’s powerful display of versatile forcefulness…the only difficulty being that you get compulsive and repetitive in your approach which makes others threatened by your powerful influence.
Very intelligent, strong thinking filled with good logic and analytical abilities, but an extremely probing mind with sharpness to dig out facts; although very often your intellect is colored by your own prejudices.
Your enthusiasm is infectious with no let up from your side; your energy can infect others with your charged approach, although it is a different matter that you tend to cover up your lack of patience/inner peace by provocations which can hurt others as well.
You love people and you want to have an audience at most times to feel activated; you organize activities so that you are in social company at most times, even if people around you do not have your goodwill at heart; in fact you also associate with people who drag you down with manipulative strategies. Your own intentions towards others have many destructive notions, hence your relationships always go through turbulent times as you get repeatedly get into emotional difficulties (this is negative excitement), tend to induce guilt in others to get your praise/position verified by others.

Not very well managed in your time or schedules or commitments, tend to make arbitrary unpredictable decisions or repeat old mistakes. You may claim to be very good in people management, but others do not agree with your views but due to good accuracy you do get the results usually at the cost of others. Instead of being a member you like to become the leader.

Difficult to know when you are saying the truth and when not, fact and fiction usually get mixed up in ways that can upset others who may doubt your intentions. But forcefulness of your convictions instills confidence in others, so you become committed selectively as per where your interests lie.

A bossy leader who infuses both forcefulness with sharp thoughts and intelligent questioning, giving you an edge over others who readily admit your iron willed approach. Can get people around you in dynamic ways and get your work done by claims to your powerful positioning. Your probing sharpness is your major strength in making strategies and negotiations are handled very astutely by you. Prefer to have maximum control over others.

You tend to undermine the position of others when dealing with them and hence others also try to undermine your position by threats and giving you difficult choices. People closest with you tend to put you in problems due to you seeking LOSS-LOSS approach or WIN-LOSS’ approach…so you have to be on guard at most times, making you cautious alright but does not induce contemplation due to your hasty irritable actions….in short you do not seek the right sources for your nourishment because it is not only the food that nourishes us but it is the manner of your talking that nourishes or deprives your peace of mind. You have probably been in company of people who use manipulative means tom achieve their ends.

You are artistically alive and have an excellent sense of originality and uniqueness. You are essentially a creative problem solver due to the vastness of your experience and capable of excellent solutions….but what you forget is that the observer is part of the observation, hence you are not able to induce objectivity in your approach, and it becomes too subjective for common use.

Actually your level of determination and resoluteness is very high, but how to go about implementing it needs a lot to be desired. You have not updated your positioning and carry many past experiences of loss of self-esteem. If you are objecting to someone’s behavior, check first that it is not the case of the pot calling the kettle black, otherwise it simply gives ammunition to others to use against you. Tend to gloss over your shortcomings. You need not become obsessed with your own shortcomings. You think that you have resolved the problems, but that is only on the surface…but this is a delusion as there are many problems lurking, so you cannot afford to be lulled into a false sense of security.
Very secretive and harsh in your approach and hurt others with your sarcastic remarks.

A very powerful personality with a very sharp, incisive thinking mind, but emotionally quite disturbed and filled with a lot of negative and hurting tendencies. Have a limited sense of thankfulness and tend to repeat your old mistakes almost compulsively, without even realizing it. You are also in situation where your old situations/ people/ways are not allowing you to move on in life. You like nothing better than to be always on a roll, but are running low on content and not updating yourself adequately, along with many provocative tendencies which puts off many people…facing a turmoil within though outwardly you may appear pleasant. 

Dr.Anand Manocha

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